Haiku winter


on considering the source

Photo by Gary Fultz on Unsplash

cloaked with pure white snow

the balsam trees seem to know

‘just keep pointing up’

For this is what the Lord says–he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited–he says: “I am the Lord and there is no other.”

Isaiah 45:18 (NIV)

By davidsdailydose

I'm just a regular guy who was
tempted to lose all hope but did not. It was God who made the difference.

10 replies on “Spires”

I love that…8th and Plum. We would be at 15th and plum here. I have always thought the spires pointed to God…the rest of the trees just bush out and try to take up more than their allotted space…reminds me of some people.

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Yes, about the critters, very true except for the predators (ermine, fisher, wolves and bear) Our nearest town has 1,300 people. 40 miles to 14,000 people (big city). 100 yards to a wilderness of tall tales and legends.

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Beautiful haiku, David. I hope we can all be like those trees, standing tall and reaching upwards.
I absolutely love that verse from Isaiah and the glorious photo.

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