Haiku winter

A Winter Haiku

frosty fullness

Photo by Gary Fultz on Unsplash

full moon, frosty tree

hanging in the balances


He has made everything beautiful in its time.

Ecclesiastes 3:11a (NIV)

By davidsdailydose

I'm just a regular guy who was
tempted to lose all hope but did not. It was God who made the difference.

8 replies on “A Winter Haiku”

Wow David. The picture, Haiku and Bible verse all came together. The sun setting and the full moon at the same time made a lavender sky. I drove the ATV onto the lake and saw this picture. The camera battery and my bare fingers lasted 6 pictures in the below zero air.

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The picture and Haiku brought to mind a childhood opportunity. When a good snowfall correlated with the full moon, our Dad would have the opportunity to join us kids in some nighttime tobogganing. We always went much further and faster when he was onboard.

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